How to Hire Blockchain Developers (in 2024)

by Ben Lewis, Co-Founder

As blockchain technology continues to revolutionize various industries, the demand for skilled blockchain developers has skyrocketed. Whether you're looking to build smart contracts, develop NFTs, or create a comprehensive blockchain solution, finding the right developer is crucial to the success of your project.

Unlike traditional technical hiring, blockchain development presents unique challenges in verifying credentials and ensuring the quality of work. We experienced this difficulty first-hand as we tried to grow and scale our operations, encountering numerous hurdles in finding trustworthy and skilled developers. If you're facing similar challenges, feel free to contact us for expert guidance and support in hiring the perfect team for your blockchain project.

This guide will walk you through the intricacies of hiring blockchain developers in 2024, providing tips and strategies to help you navigate this complex landscape.

Why Blockchain Hiring is Unique

Blockchain development is distinct from other technical fields due to its complexity and the critical nature of its applications. In frontend or backend development, you can easily verify a developer's portfolio by observing the visual and functional aspects of a website or application. However, blockchain development is more opaque, with mission-critical errors or omissions potentially hiding in plain sight. This makes it significantly harder to verify a developer's credentials and the integrity of their work.

Given the high stakes involved in blockchain projects, trust and thorough verification of a developer's skills and experience are paramount. A single mistake or vulnerability in a blockchain application can lead to substantial financial losses and damage to your reputation. Therefore, hiring a blockchain developer requires a meticulous approach to vetting candidates and ensuring their expertise.

Freelancer Websites: A Double-Edged Sword

Freelancer websites like Upwork offer a vast pool of talent, making it possible to find capable blockchain developers. However, these platforms are also rife with scams targeting individuals seeking blockchain technology expertise. While it is possible to find a good developer, you must exercise extreme caution to avoid falling victim to fraudulent schemes.

One of the most significant risks when hiring blockchain developers on freelancer platforms is downloading or running "sample projects" from prospective developers. These projects are often slightly modified versions of existing open-source code, with malicious code inserted to drain any wallets it can find on your device. To protect yourself, never download or execute code from unknown developers.

The Only Screening Question That Matters

Two years ago, it was sufficient to write theoretical screening questions and you could filter down candidates easily. Today, with the advent of ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs), in my opinion, screening questions are now worthless. The only screening question we bother with anymore is a link to the user's personal GitHub account.

This shift underscores the importance of assessing practical experience and real-world contributions over theoretical knowledge or easily coachable responses. By focusing on GitHub profiles, you can better gauge a developer's actual coding ability, involvement in projects, and interaction with the blockchain community.

Here are some key indicators to look for:

  • Consistent Activity: A healthy GitHub profile should show regular and consistent activity. Profiles that are empty or only have occasional single-day bursts of activity are red flags.
  • Contributions to Private and Public Repositories: Check for contributions to private repositories in the timeline. This shows that the developer is actively working on projects, even if they are not publicly visible.
  • Presence and Reputation: Conduct an online search for the developer's username. This can help you verify their reputation and identify any potential red flags. Look for forum posts, blog contributions, or mentions in reputable communities.

A Technical Approach to Hiring Developers

If you have a technical background, especially with experience in writing Solidity code, this approach can be highly effective. We recommend a three-step strategy to ensure the integrity and security of your blockchain project:

  1. Hire a Developer to Write Code: First, hire a developer to build your project and write the necessary code, but do not allow them to deploy or launch anything. This ensures that you maintain control over the final deployment process.
  2. Hire a Second Developer for Code Review: Next, hire a different developer to review the code written by the initial developer. This second developer should focus on understanding the codebase, looking for security vulnerabilities, and producing a comprehensive report at the end. You can also seek out Smart Contract Audit companies, although you can expect to pay $5-10k for a specialist audit.
  3. Deploy the Smart Contracts Yourself: With the help of the second developer, deploy the smart contracts yourself using a private key that only you control. This private key should be stored on a hardware wallet, such as Trezor or Ledger, to ensure maximum security.

Referrals & Recommendations

One of the most effective ways to find skilled blockchain developers is through referrals and recommendations. By leveraging your existing network, you can connect with developers who have a proven track record in blockchain projects similar to yours. This method not only saves time but also increases the likelihood of finding a trustworthy and competent developer.

Identifying Similar Projects

Begin by identifying projects that have a similar feature set to your planned blockchain solution. Look for projects within your industry or those that use similar technologies, such as smart contracts, NFTs, or decentralized applications. By analyzing these projects, you can gain insights into the type of developers who might be a good fit for your needs.

Reaching Out

Once you have identified relevant projects, reach out to the project owners or managers. Express your interest in their project and inquire about the developers who were instrumental in its development. Often, these developers work as freelancers or consultants and may be available for new projects once they complete their current engagements.

When contacting project owners, ask if they can put you in touch with the developers who launched their project. Personal introductions or referrals can significantly enhance your chances of hiring a reliable developer. Additionally, project owners who have had positive experiences with their developers are usually willing to provide strong recommendations.

Understanding Developer Availability

It is important to note that some developers may stay on with a project full-time, especially if they have become integral to the project's ongoing success. In such cases, you will need to find alternative candidates. However, many blockchain developers work on a freelance basis, handing over the project to an internal team once initial funding or development milestones are secured.

Benefits of Referrals

Referrals and recommendations offer several advantages:

  • Proven Track Record: Developers who come highly recommended have a proven track record of success, reducing the risk associated with hiring.
  • Trust and Reliability: Personal referrals often carry a level of trust and reliability that is difficult to achieve through other hiring methods.
  • Quicker Hiring Process: With validated skills and experiences, the hiring process can be faster and more efficient.

Always Do KYC

Freelance blockchain developers often operate under pseudonyms or publicly anonymous profiles for justifiable security reasons. There have been cases of developers being attacked or robbed, as they often hold the keys to the kingdom, making maintaining a public presence dangerous.

Freelancer platforms help mitigate this risk by requiring developers to complete Know Your Customer (KYC) verification before they can apply to jobs. However, there is no such protection with referrals. Always insist on completing KYC with your developers. At a minimum, this requires a photo ID and proof of address. Additionally, like any developer engagement, you should always have a contract in place. This ensures not only the legitimacy of the developer but also provides legal protection for both parties involved.

Dedicated Blockchain Teams

Dedicated blockchain teams are small to medium-sized agencies specializing in blockchain technology. Unlike larger agencies you might find on platforms like Upwork, these teams generally work at capacity purely through referrals and long-term clients. This exclusivity means they have a proven track record and rely heavily on their reputation for delivering quality projects.

Benefits for Non-Technical Founders

For non-technical project founders, dedicated blockchain teams offer a significant advantage. These agencies have all the necessary skills in-house to complete your project, from smart contract development to security audits and deployment. Unlike larger agencies, their rates are closer to those of individual freelancers, and there is less overhead, making them a cost-effective solution without sacrificing quality.

This is where ProcessLabs excels. Our agency fits into this niche, providing comprehensive blockchain development services with a personalized touch. We have a team of experienced professionals who are well-versed in the latest blockchain technologies and trends. If you need help hiring a team for your blockchain project, contact us today.

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