
We build future


From dorm room sketches to Silicon Valley sensations. Transform your wildest startup ideas into disruptors with our web, dev, & brand teams

Over $14,000,000 earned for clients

A pioneering agency*

*Web3 Innovators.

At ProcessLabs, we specialize in transforming groundbreaking ideas into digital experiences that transcend the ordinary. Our cracked team specializes in creating captivating websites, cutting-edge platforms, and user-centric interfaces that enhance your brand's presence and drive measurable results.


Client Revenue


Smart Contracts Deployed


Projects Launched


combined experience

Latest Projects


April, 2024

Tokenized enterprise KYC & AML Platform

Forgeproof's innovative KYC management platform, developed by ProcessLabs leverages blockchain technology, NFTs, and the Lit Protocol to streamline client onboarding for financial institutions. Our team set out to create a modern brand and website that accentuates the game-changing platform.

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RPM Creators

December, 2023

Live Music Production Courses with Hannes Bieger

RPM Creators has developed a learning hub for advanced music professionals. They specialize in upskilling producers with live, in-person courses and state-of-the-art VR experiences featuring legendary music producers and DJs.


April, 2023

Simplifying KYC with NFTs

Cogni, a neobank with a crypto wallet, aimed to launch a KYC product leveraging NFTs, enabling account holders to streamline the KYC process when engaging with partnering exchanges.

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Trusted Services

From end-to-end project management to specific tasks like research, design, or development, our team delivers. We provide strategic advice across all areas, ensuring an integrated service.


We've spent the last 2 years launching some of the most unique and cutting-edge NFT projects. Click on our favourites below to view the case study.


Compliance Platform


NFT Launchpad / Marketplace


NEO Bank

NFT Solutions

Our WEB3 Services

Unlock new revenue streams, launch your marketing campaigns into the future, and open doors to new demographics.

Ready to trust the process?

Contact us below get a bespoke solution for your brand or project. Not sure what you want? We can help you figure it out.

We work with teams at

They trusted the process. Will you?