Case Study - No-Code NFT Creation Platform

NFT-Inator revolutionized the NFT space with a user-friendly, multi-blockchain creation platform, amassing 12,000 users and 20,000 projects in its debut year, making NFT creation accessible and affordable for all.
December, 2022
dApp Development

NFT-Inator, recognizing the complexities and costs associated with existing NFT creation tools, aspired to democratize the NFT artistry process, ensuring it's accessible to both beginners and experienced artists without coding know-how.


Before NFT-Inator's inception, the burgeoning NFT industry was marked by a discernible divide. While NFTs were gaining traction and becoming a buzzword in art and collectible communities, the creation process was predominantly confined to those with technical prowess.

Many artists and creators found themselves either excluded due to the steep learning curve or saddled with exorbitant costs associated with leveraging the few platforms available. These platforms were mostly command-line tools, with cumbersome interfaces, targeted at developers rather than artists.

This landscape painted a clear picture: there was a glaring need for a more inclusive, affordable, and user-friendly platform that could cater to artists and creators of all technical backgrounds. NFT-Inator recognized this gap and sought to revolutionize the process, making NFT creation accessible and affordable for everyone.


Our team developed an advanced no-code NFT creation platform tailored to NFT-Inator's vision:

  • Multi-Blockchain Support: The platform extends its reach to eight different blockchains, a rare feat in the industry.
  • User-Friendly with Advanced Capabilities: A platform so intuitive a novice can navigate, yet powerful enough to engage experienced artists.
  • Cost-Efficient: A standout feature is its minimal smart contract deployment costs, with launches on Ethereum costing under $20 in gas.

Within its inaugural year, over 12,000 users flocked to the platform, resulting in 20,000+ projects. The NFT-Inator platform didn't just attract users; it became a centerpiece in numerous press articles about the NFT industry. Users universally praised its simplicity combined with its potent capabilities, especially the customizable smart contracts.

Continuous Evolution

Living up to its reputation, NFT-Inator continues to upgrade, integrating new features and adding support for emerging blockchains, echoing their commitment to remain at the forefront of NFT innovation.

Unlock Community or Members-Only Content

Create a community platform that can be accessed by holders for Members-only experiences

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Create your own Digital Collectible NFTs

Deepen engagement and create tradeable assets that customers want to collect

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Launch Products with NFT Access

Utilize NFTs as keys to unlock and interact with exclusive products, enhancing customer engagement and value.

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